In 2011, when it was first released online, the parallax scrolling effect caused a sensation. There have been many fads since then, but parallax scrolling has remained a fundamental design component for years. The use of parallax scrolling enhances the browsing experience on a website, says Denver web design.
What does parallax scrolling mean?
The background of a website moves slower than its foreground by using parallax scrolling. The result is a 3D effect that gives a sense of depth to the site as the visitor scrolls, enhancing the browsing experience.
Optical illusions are the basis of parallax. We perceive distant objects as if they are moving more slowly because the human eye perceives objects close to us as larger than objects further away.
In different mediums, parallax has long been adapted into an illusion that fosters a realistic visual effect. Early use of the technology can be traced to Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, as well as video games such as Super Mario.
In the world of present-day web design, parallax effects have evolved with advances in CSS and HTML. How do you want this Denver web design to create a great parallax effect for you?
A guide on creating a single WordPress page that has parallax scrolling
Adding parallax scrolling to one page might be a good idea. No problem. For plugins, you have the option of adding a shortcode to the content of each page.
With a parallax theme, you can change the parallax options page-by-page. By choosing HTML & CSS, you will not have to edit theme files, as the steps are nearly identical to item #1.
Click Pages > All Pages on your admin sidebar to find the page you want to edit.
Switch to the code editor after switching from the visual editor. You can access Gutenberg’s Code Editor by clicking the three dots, selecting Editor, and selecting Code Editor.
Others may look a bit different, but you’ll always have the option to switch to a code editor.
How to Make Parallax Scrolling Work for You
Remember to tell a story, make it engaging, and include a call-to-action when planning how to use parallax scrolling on your website.
Denver web design advises to Use it only when it’s necessary! Don’t use it just to use it! It is a great tool for boosting engagement, but the usage must be tactful for best results.